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22 Jul 2023

One Door Closes – Another Door Opens

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Making peace with the ebb and flow of life during trying times.

Almost always, endings are an emotionally taxing and often sad time in one’s life.  Endings come in all shapes and sizes – from the end of a relationship (romantic, friendship, familial, or professional), to an occupational experience, to the completion of experience such as school, a trip, child rearing, and of course, death.  With each ending comes a surge of emotional energy, as well as a distinct charge of spiritual and physical stress.  Often, endings are also often met with something else:


When experiencing the sadness, remorse, or loss of felt during an ending, it is not uncommon for well-meaning loved ones and associate to reach out and offer heartfelt support through the use of clichés, and no cliché is more overused than this:  When one door closes, another door opens.

The pain of an ending can feel so specific and unique to the person experiencing it, that this cliché can feel almost cruel to hear. In moments following an ending, the grief, pain, anger, and confusion felt can feel so overwhelming that it can seem almost impossible to find any good in the situation, least of all something positive that could give way to a happier existence.

The truth about clichés, however, is they are almost always right.  Life is a beautiful dance between experience and evolution – a gentle tiptoeing between navigating the negative and unlocking opportunity.  This world, and our lives in it, is an endless opportunity for exploration, growth, and transformation – all of which requires experiencing endings and being brave enough to embrace chance.  By choosing a life where we seek out the opportunity behind every ending we face, we allow ourselves the opportunity to discover the world and ourselves in a fuller, deeper, and more meaningful way.

It might be cliché, but that doesn’t make it false.  With every door that closes in your life, a new door opens that is filled with possibility.  Will you walk through that door and take the next step into your personal evolution?